Dishwasher Repair

Removing Phosphate from Dishwasher Detergent

Dishwashers have brought about one of the most recent battles with human beings and our natural environment. Phosphates, also dubbed builders, used to be the supreme factor in dishwashing detergent. These builders maximize cleaning capability and are exceptionally useful for consumers that have hard water.

Phosphates are minerals put in dishwashing detergents to withhold food specks and inhibit soap film from clinging to dishes. Phosphates help rinse the food debris and soap down the drain with the water. Unfortunately, environmental predicaments occur anytime phosphates enter the essential water system. Algae flourish in phosphorus so when the mineral is so plentifully produced algae will develop out of control. The overgrowth of deplorable green glop building up in our ponds and creeks slowly supersedes, indulging on all the oxygen and blocking the sun needed by the other underwater community.

Due to the fact that phosphates contaminate the underwater habitat, quite a few states have excluded their use in dish washing detergents. So as to keep matters practical, and circumvent assigning individual formulas for these states manufacturers started creating only phosphate-free product lines.

Regrettably, the removal of phosphates has had an undesirable ramification on cleaning force. Lipstick smears and fingerprints are on dishes after the wash cycle. Pots and pans are dingy and metal utensils turn black.

Without knowing who go to for guidance, consumers began hiring plumbing contractors and dishwasher service technicians only to end up paying a service fee and discover that there was no malfunction that could be addressed. The challenges were an absolute result of the extraction of phosphates from the dishwasher detergents.

Consumers who call the makers to protest are advised that they have no solution. The law forbids the use of phosphates in their products.

Thankfully, companies have brought forth a remedy. There is no substitution for phosphates, however a rinse agent can be added for better outcomes with dishwashers. Plenty of Dishwasher Rinse Agents are obtainable at the convenience store or local hardware store.

The local dishwasher service contractor can assist with many prevalent dilemmas. Do It Yourself dishwasher repair may be risky or expensive, so only let an experienced dishwasher technician to fix it for best results. Call Professional Appliance Repair at 504-208-4458 to schedule an appointment for dishwasher repair or maintenance on all home appliances. Our team can service most makes and models.